Imagine your ideal fitness experience.
What does it look like?
At Evolved Personal Training we have been thinking about this too and have distilled it down to several key components which we incorporate into our Small Group Training classes.
Effective Training Program
In your ideal fitness experience, it’s safe to assume that the program you are doing will be effective for achieving goals that are specific for you. Afterall, your time is too valuable to waste it on ineffective training. At Evolved Personal Training, we pride ourselves in including strength, stamina and flexibility in our Small Group Training so that no matter your fitness goals, we have you covered. We also realize that you have a limited amount of time to address your health and fitness as effectively as possible. That being said, we offer at least one Small Group Training session each day of the week so that regardless of your work or other schedule, you have a chance each day to surround yourself with others looking to work towards your individual goals together.
At the end of the day, you want a proven and effective path to ensure your health and fitness journey goes as smooth, simple and personalized as possible and Evolved Personal Training’s Small Group Training is all that to a T.
This along with our premier training staff makes our Small Group Training your one-stop for an effective training routine.
No one’s ideal fitness experience includes feeling uncomfortable, isolated and intimidated. When you envision your ideal fitness experience, you undoubtedly feel comfortable and confident in the gym. You are accepted and welcomed by the people there. It is tough to overstate the value of a supportive community and culture. In an ideal world, you’d be part of a community that understands and accepts your unique struggles and situation, a tribe that fortifies your efforts to get healthier, and a fitness family that both helps you navigate challenges and celebrates your successes. Our Small Group Training classes have a maximum capacity of six members so that you get one-on-one direction of one of our elite training staff as well as the support, accountability and competition from the other members that who are working to reach their goals just like you.
Your ideal fitness experience would absolutely include a community and culture where you felt confident and connected.
It’s a safe bet that in your ideal fitness experience you did not suddenly become an expert on all thing's fitness. In order to ensure that you stay healthy and injury free throughout your ideal fitness journey, you need professional coaching from a staff with elite fitness education and experience to assure you are doing the movements correctly, maximizing your results, and avoid injury.
Every Small Group Training class is led by an Evolved Personal Trainer whose fitness acumen will customize any exercise to alleviate any issues with injuries as well as recommend exercises to work on any nagging pain or injury.
Not only the staff, but the location and facilities would be helpful in an ideal fitness environment. Come try a Small Group Training and then wind down with a 10-minute infrared sauna session to improve your circulation and reduce muscle soreness.
Your ideal fitness experience would be in a safe and supervised environment.
When most people think of fitness, it includes visions of grinding teeth, sweating, and suffering. In your ideal fitness experience, you are doing the opposite – you are smiling and having a good time. You are having fun. Sure, you are training, but you are enjoying it. Since you are confident you are executing the movements properly and had the support of a tribe that encourages you. Unlike the many who dread working out, your vision is one where training is something you look forward to.
So, your ideal fitness experience would also be fun and enjoyable.
Our coaching staff has decades of real-world experience guiding clients to their goals. They know how to design and make the appropriate modifications to an effective training program to make it safely fit your needs and your unique situation.
In every session of our SGT, you’ll be guided through the carefully crafted training routine under the watchful guidance of our experienced coaching staff. You’ll have access to the proven path and a guide to show you the way.
Training alongside individuals who support your quest for a leaner, healthier, happier life is real magic that can accelerate your progress. In SGT, you’ll have a community of people pulling for you, keeping you consistent, and celebrating your successes.
When it comes to our facility, we’ve always prided ourselves on the cleanliness of our facility and we remain diligent is assuring that our facility is a safe and sanitary space for you to train.
Limited to six participants per session, you’ll get the supervision you need to understand and safely execute the exercises. You can stop worrying about whether you’re doing a movement wrong or if you’re going to get hurt. You can train confidently knowing you’re doing it right.
And, we know that fitness can be fun. We’ve built a supportive culture and designed engaging training program to facilitate that. Our community has experienced it. Our sessions are filled with smiles, laughs, and connection.
We’ve brought your ideal fitness experience to life. Now it’s time you lived it.
Join our Small Group Training and make your ideal fitness experience a reality.
You deserve to look and feel your best.
Call us at (573)289-2806 to get started on your ideal fitness journey.